A few of the concepts I've learned over the past few days.
PHP / Laravel
1 Carbon
When working with data and time I can make use of more functionality if I use the Carbon class which is part of Karavel Framework.
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
In my method
$dob = Carbon::parse('2016-10-15')->format('y-m-d');
There is a ton more I can do to:
Learn more about Carbon class here.
For example set a timezone for the project.
no arguments
returns CarbonTimeZone
Get the TimeZone associated with the Carbon instance (as CarbonTimeZone).
$year, $month, $day
returns Carbon
Set the date formated as gregorian year, month and day numbers.
2 Compact multiple variables for use
The ability to work with variables passed from controller to blade file.
public function view_dog_records()
$dogname = 'Hector';
$breed = 'Mixed';
$dob = Carbon::parse('2016-10-15')->format('y-m-d');
$mother_health_history = 'anxiety';
$father_health_history = 'unknown';
$sibling_health_history = 'cushings disease';
return view('dogtracker.view-dog-records', compact('dogname', 'breed', 'dob', 'mother_health_history', 'father_health_history', 'sibling_health_history'));
Make use of these using blade with the blade command {{ $dogname }}
wherever I want this to show up.
<button>Start Tracking {{ $dogname."'s" }} Allergies</button>
Double background image.
Instead of faffing around in Canva I can add a non-destructive image gradient overlaying the 1st background image. I can even have multiple background images if I want.
Use a comma to make the addition and a comma for any other parameters which may affect them.
See it in action in my code pen,
For the layout, I followed a Youtube tutorial by Kevin Powell
Where I learned about grid-template-rows